[1] Qu, Y.*, Zhu, J., 2022, Q-compensated least-squares reverse time migration with velocity-anisotropy correction based on the first-order velocity-pressure equations, *Geophysics*, 87(6), S335-S350.
[2] Qu, Y.*, Huang, C., Liu C., Li, Z., 2021, Full-path compensated least-squares reverse time migration of joint primaries and different order multiples for deep-marine environment. *IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing*. 59(8), 7109 - 7121.
[3] Li, Z., Qu, Y.*, 2022, Research progress on seismic imaging technology, *Petroleum Science*, 19(1), 128-146.
[4] Wang, Y., Huang, C., Qu, Y.*, Li, M., Li, J., 2023, Velocity-adaptive irregular point-spread function deconvolution imaging using X-shaped denoising diffusion filtering operator. *IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing*, 61, 5916808.
[5] Li, J.; Qu, Y.*; Huang, C., Li, Y., Li, Z., 2023. Ocean bottom dual-sensor Q-compensated elastic least-squares reverse time migration based on viscoacoustic and separated-viscoelastic coupled equations. *Geophysics*, 89(3): S155-S173.
[6] Qu, Y.*, Li, J., Li, Y., Li, Z., 2023, Joint acoustic and decoupled-elastic least-squares reverse time migration for simultaneously using water-land dual-detector data. *IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing*.
[7] Qu, Y.*, Li, J., 2019, Q-compensated reverse time migration in viscoacoustic media including surface topography. *Geophysics*, 84(4), S201-S217.
[8] Li, J., Qu, Y.*, Li, Z., 2022, Viscoacoustic least-squares reverse time migration of different-order free-surface multiples, *Geophysical Prospecting*, 71(1): 29-47.
[9] Sun, W., Li, Z., Qu, Y.*, 2022, The 3D conical Radon transform for seismic signal processing. *Geophysics*, 87(5), V481-V504.
[10] Qu, Y.*, Li, Z., Guan, Z., Liu, C., Sun, J., 2022, Q-compensated least-squares reverse time migration of joint primary and prismatic waves for viscoacoustic media including surface topography. *IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing*, 60, 5908314.
[11] Qu, Y.*, Wang Y., Li, Z., Liu C., 2021, Q least-squares reverse time migration based on the first-order viscoacoustic quasidifferential equations. *Geophysics*, 86(4), S283–S298.
[12] Qu, Y.*, Guan, Z., Li, Z., 2019, Fluid-solid coupled elastic full waveform inversion in the curvilinear coordinates for OBC data. *Geophysics*. 85(3): R113-R133. [13] Li, J., Ma, B., Qu, Y.*, Zhu, J., Liu, C., 2023, Steeply dipping structural target oriented viscoacoustic prismatic reverse time migration in frequency domain and its application. *Geophysical Prospecting*. 72(2): 367-377.
[14] Qu, Y.*, Ren, J., Huang, C., Li, Z., Wang, Y., Liu, C., 2022, 3D Multisource Least-squares Reverse Time Migration in Curvilinear-τ Domain-clean. *IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing*, 60, 5908214.
[15] Qu, Y.*, Guan, Z., Li, Z., 2020, Viscoacoustic reverse time migration of joint primaries and different-order multiples. *Geophysics*, 85(2): S71-S87.
[16] Li, J., Zhu, J., Qu, Y.*, Yang, Z., 2023, Elastic full waveform inversion based on an optimized flux-corrected transport. *Geophysical Prospecting*. 72(2), 468 - 483.
[17] Qu, Y.*, Guan, Z., Li, Z., 2019, Topographic elastic least-squares reverse time migration based on vector P- and S-wave equations in the curvilinear coordinates. *Geophysical Prospecting*, 67(5), 181-196.
[18] Qu, Y.*, Huang, J., Li, Z., Li, J., 2017, A hybrid grid method in an auxiliary coordinate system for irregular fluid-solid interface modeling. *Geophysical Journal International*, 208(3), 1540-1556.
[19] Qu, Y.*, Li, J., Huang, J., and Li, Z., 2017, Elastic least-squares reverse time migration with velocities and density perturbation. *Geophysical Journal International*, 202(2), 1033-1056.
[20] Qu, Y.*, Huang, J., Li, Z., Guan, Z., Li, J., 2017, Attenuation compensation in anisotropic least-squares reverse time migration. *Geophysics*. 82(6), S411-S423.
[21] Qu, Y.*, Li, Z., Huang, J., Li, J., Guan, Z., 2017, Elastic full waveform inversion for surface topography. *Geophysics*, 82(5), R269-R285.
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[23] 曲英铭, 黄建平, 李振春, 李庆洋, 赵金良, 李秀芝, 2015, 分层坐标变换法起伏自由地表弹性波叠前逆时偏移. *地球物理学报*, 58(8), 544-560.
[24] Lu J., Wu C., Qu, Y.*, Zhang H., Ma B., 2023, Multiscale Fusion Network With SR-Attention for Seismic Velocity Model Building. *IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing*, 61, 5923011.
[25] Wang, Y., Qu, Y.*, 2021, Q-compensated full waveform inversion for velocity and density, Exploration *Geophysics*, 53(5), 487-500.
[26] Liu, C., Qu, Y.*, Li, Z., Zeng, S., Yang, T., and Zhao, W., 2023, Staining algorithm for least-squares reverse time migration. *Journal of Applied Geophysics*, 219: 105243.
[27] Qu, Y.*, Zhou C., Liu C., et al., 2020, P- and S-wave separated elastic reverse time migration for OBC data from fluid-solid coupled media with irregular seabed interfaces. *Journal of Applied Geophysics*, 172: 103882.
[28] Qu, Y.*, Liu, C., Huang, C., Zhou, C. Sun, J., and Li, Z., 2021, Elastic reverse time migration of prismatic waves for surface topography based on decoupled elastic wave equations in the curvilinear coordinates. *Exploration Geophysics*, 52(4), 369-387.
[29] Sun, W., Li, Z., Qu, Y.*, Li, Z., 2019, Multiple attenuation using λ–f domain high-order and high-resolution Radon transform based on SL0 norm. *Applied Geophysics*, 16(4), 473–482.
[30] Qu, Y.*, Huang, C., Liu C., Zhou C., Li, Z., Worral, Q., 2019, Zhenchun Li, Jianping Huang, Haipeng Li. 2019, Multiparameter least-squares reverse time migration for acoustic–elastic coupling media based on ocean bottom cable data. *Applied Geophysics*, 16(3), 327–337.
[31] Qu, Y.*, Qurmet, W. Zhou, C., et al., 2022, Acoustic-elastic coupled least-squares reverse time migration in marine environment with rugged seabed interface, *Exploration Geophysics*, 53(2), 169–185.
[32] Chen, K., Han, S., Ran, Q., Wen, L., Zhang, G., and Qu, Y.*, 2023, Steeply dipping structural target-oriented viscoacoustic least- squares reverse time migration and its application. *Applied Geophysics*, 19(4), 528-536.
[33] Qu, Y.*, Li, Z., Huang, J., Li, J., 2017, Viscoacoustic anisotropic full waveform inversion. *Journal of Applied Geophysics*, 136, 484-497.
[34] Qu, Y.*, Li, Z., Huang, J., Li, J., 2016, Multi-scale full waveform inversion for areas with irregular surface topography in an auxiliary coordinate system. *Exploration Geophysics*. 49(1), 70-82.
[35] Liu, C., Qu, Y.*, Li, Z., Zeng, S., Yang, T., and Zhao, W., 2023, Regional staining reverse time migration algorithm based on energy-constrained factors: *Acta Geophysica*, 1-11.
[36] Qu, Y.*, Li, Z., Huang, J., Li, J., 2017, An elastic full waveform inversion based on wave-mode separation. *Exploration Geophysics*. 52(4): 422-444.
[37] Qu, Y.*, Sun, J., Li, Z., et al., 2019, Forward modeling of ocean bottom cable data and wave-mode separation in fluid–solid elastic media with irregular seabed. *Applied Geophysics*, 15(3-4), 432–447.
[38] Qu, Y.*, Huang, J., Li, J., 2020, Elastic reverse-time migration in irregular tunnel environment based on polar coordinates. *Applied Geophysics*, 17(2), 468―476.
[39] Qu, Y.*, Li, J., and Li, Z. 2020, Viscoacoustic Wave Numerical Simulation Method in an Auxiliary System for Irregular Surface Topography Based on a Hybrid Spatial Partial Derivative Scheme. *Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics*, 28(1), 1950022.
[40] Huang, J. Qu, Y.*, Li, Q., Li, Z., Li, G., Bu, C., and Teng, H., 2015, Variable-coordinate forward modeling of irregular surface based on dual-variable grid. *Applied Geophysics*, 12(1), 101-110.
[41] Liu, C., Qu, Y.*, Zhao, W., Zeng, S., Yang, T., and Li, Z., 2023, Interferometric imaging by cross correlation in surface seismic profile with double Green’s function. *Journal of Seismic Exploration*, 32, 243-256.
[42] Wang, Z. J., Cao, S. Y., Zhang, H. R., Qu, Y. M., Yuan, D., Yang, J. H., and Shao, G. M., 2015, Estimation of quality factors by energy ratio method. *Applied Geophysics*, 12(1), 86-92.
[43] Tao, T., Qu, Y.*, Li, Z., Dong, Y., 2023. Viscoacoustic VTI media reverse time migration method in the complex-domain based on the staining algorithm. *Journal of Applied Geophysics*.
[44] Qu, Y.*, Huang, J., Li, Z., Li, J., 2016, Prismatic and full-waveform joint inversion. *Applied Geophysics*, 13(3), 511-518.
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[1] Qu*, Y., C. Zhou, C. Liu, Z. Li, Z. Chen, and K. Xu, 2021, Q-compensated least-squares reverse time migration of different-order multiples: 82nd EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition*.
[2] Qu*, Y., Z. Li, J. Huang, W. Deng, and J. Li, 2015, The application of pseudospectral method and a stable reverse-time propagator for viscoacoustic RTM: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts*.
[3] Qu*, Y., Z. Li, J. Huang, and J. Li, 2016, Anelastic Modeling for the Media with Irregular Fluid-solid Interfaces:78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5.
[4] Qu*, Y., Z. Li, J. Huang, and J. Li, 2016, Viscoacoustic VTI Least Square Reverse Time Migration:78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition*.
[5] Qu*, Y., Z. Li, J. Huang, J. Li, and B. Liu, 2016, Irregular surface FWI in an auxiliary coordinate system: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts*, 1079-1083.
[6] Qu*, Y., J. Huang, Z. Li, Y. Han, and Q. Li, 2015, A Joint Waveform Inversion Strategy - Combing Full Waveform Inversion with Prismatic Waveform Inversion: 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition*.
[7] Huang, J., Y. Qu*, Z. Li, and Q. Li, 2013, Mapping forward modeling method based on dual-variable grid: 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC*, cp-348-00784.
[8] Guo, Y., J. Huang, Z. Li, Y. Qu*, and Y. Hang, 2016, Polarity encoding full waveform inversion with prior model based on blend data:78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5.
[9] Qu, Y.*, J. Li, Z. Li, and J. Huang, 2018, P- and S-wave separated elastic reverse time migration for OBS data from fluid-solid media with irregular seabed interface: 80th EAGE Conference and Exhibition*.
[10] Qu, Y.*, Z. Li, and J. Huang, 2018, viscoacoustic forward modelling method for irregular surface topography based on a second-order viscoacoustic quasi- differential equation without memory variables: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts*, 3999-4004.
[11] Qu, Y.*, J. Huang, Z. Li, and Q. Li, 2015, Pre-stack Reverse Time Migration Based on layered Mapping Method for Irregular Surface: 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition*, cp-451-00582.
[12] Qu, Y., J. Huang, Z. Li, and W. Deng, 2015, A New Reverse Time Migration Method for Viscoacoustic VTI Medium: 77th EAGE Conference and Exhibition*, cp-451-00848.
[13] Qu, Y.*, Z. Li, J. Huang, W. Deng, and J. Li, 2015, The least-squares reverse time migration for viscoacoustic medium based on a stable reverse-time propagator: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts*, 3977-3980.
[14] Qu, Y.*, Z. Li, W. Qurmet, J. Li, J. Sun, and Z. Guan, Fluid-solid coupled elastic full waveform inversion in the curvilinear coordinates for OBC data: 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5.
[15] Qu, Y.*, and Z. Li, 2019, Elastic forward modelling method for an irregular surface in the curvilinear-polar coordinates: 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5.
[16] Qu, Y.*, J. Li, and Z. Li, 2019, Elastic reverse time migration in irregular tunnel environment based on polar coordinate system: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts*, 4271-4275.
[17] Qu, Y.*, Z. Li, J. Huang, Q. Li, Y. Yang, and J. Li, 2015, Elastic wave modeling and wavefield separation of irregular free-surface based on multiblock mapping method: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts*, 3724-3728.
[18] Qu*, C. Zhou, C. Liu, Z. Li, Z. Chen, and K. Xu, 2021, Q-Compensated Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration of Different-Order Multiples: 82nd EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5.
[19] Li, J., Y. Qu, Z. Li, and Y. Li, 2023, Joint acoustic and separated-elastic least-squares reverse time migration for simultaneously using water-land dual-detector data: 84th EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition*.
[20] Wang, Y., Y. Qu, C. Huang, and Z. Li, 2023, Image domain seismic inversion based on multi-combined point spread function: 84th EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5.
[21] Wang, Y, Y. Qu, C. Huang, M. Li, and Z. Li, 2023, Velocity-adaptive irregular point spread function deconvolution imaging: 84th EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5.
[22] Huang, C., Y. Qu, M. Li, Y. Wang, and Z. Li, 2023, A high-resolution point-spread function deconvolution imaging method based on Gaussian smoothing X-shaped denoising diffusion filtering operator: 84th EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5.
[23] Zhu, J., and Y. Qu, 2022, Q-Compensated Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration with Velocity-Anisotropy Correction Based on the First-Order Velocity-Pressure Equations: 83rd EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5.
[24] Zhu, J., Y. Qu, Z. Li, C. Liu, and B. Ma, 2022, Elastic Full Waveform Inversion Based on an Optimized Flux-Corrected Transport: 83rd EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5.
[25] Ma, B., Y. Qu, Q. Ran, K. Chen, S. Han, and Z. Li, 2022, Viscoacoustic Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration Method and Application for Steering Geological Targets with Steep Dip Angles: 83rd EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.202210683.
[26] Huang, C., Y. Qu, and Z. Li, 2022, Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration Using the Safe Type-Ⅰ Anderson Acceleration: 83rd EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.202210435.
[27] Huang, C., Y. Qu, and Z. Li, 2022, A new reverse time migration denoising method based on diffusion filtering with X-shaped denoising operator: SEG Technical Program Expanded*, 2912-2916, doi: 10.1190/image2022-3751705.1.
[28] Ma, B., Y. Qu, Z. Li, J. Zhu, and C. Liu, 2022, RTM method of prismatic-waves under the undulating surface: a case study of the Longmen Piedmont: SEG Technical Program Expanded*, 2774-2777, doi: 10.1190/image2022-3751519.1.
[29] Li, J., Y. Qu, C. Huang, and Z. Li, 2022, Q-compensated least-squares reverse time migration by considering velocity and Q perturbations: SEG Technical Program Expanded*, 2754-2758, doi: 10.1190/image2022-3751429.1.
[30] Huang, C., Y. Qu, and Z. Li, 2021, 3D Encoding Least-squares Reverse Time Migration in Curvilinear-r Domain Based on Student’s t Distribution: 82nd EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609. 202112623.
[31] Ren, J., Y. Qu, 2021, A Dynamic Sampling Fwi Method Based on 3d Seismic Wave Reverse Illumination: 82nd EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.202010555.
[32] Wang, Y., Y. Qu, and Z. Li, 2021, Q Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration with Density Disturbance Based on the First-Order Viscoacoustic Quasi-Differential Equations: 82nd EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.202112572.
[33] Qurmet, W., Y. Qu, Z. Li, J. Li, C. Liu, J. Sun, and C. Huang, 2021, Elastic Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration in the Rugged Seabed Structure: 82nd EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609. 202010453.
[34] Sun, W., Z. Li, Y. Qu, 2020, The 3D conical Radon transform for linear noise attenuation: ****SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts***, 3234-3238, doi: 10.1190/segam2020-3422285.1.
[35] Qu, Y.*, Z. Li, J. Huang, and J. Li, 2016, Viscoelastic modeling for irregular seabed interfaces: SEG Global Meeting Abstracts*, 626-629, doi: 10.1190/ IGCBeijing2016-192.
[36] Qu, Y.*, Z. Li, J. Huang, J. Li, and J. Huang, 2016, Vibroseis harmonic suppression based on adaptive matched predictive filtering method: SEG Global Meeting Abstracts*, 690-693, doi: 10.1190/IGCBeijing2016-210.
[37] Qu, Y.*, J. Huang, Z. Li, and Q. Li, 2014, Pre-stack Elastic Wave Reverse Time Migration of Free-surface Topography based on Mapping Method: SEG Global Meeting Abstracts*, 443-446, doi: 10.1190/IGCBeijing2014-114.
[38] Qu, Y.*, Z. Li, J. Huang, Q. Li, and Y. Han, 2015, Pre-stack elastic wave reverse time migration of irregular surface based on layered mapping method: SEG Global Meeting Abstracts*, 104-107, doi: 10.1190/nsapc2015-026.
[39] Li, J., Y. Qu*, Z. Li, and J. Huang, 2017, Attenuation compensation in VTI full waveform inversion: SEG Global Meeting Abstracts*, 268-271, doi: 10.1190/ IGC2017-070.
[40] Qu, Y.*, Z. Li, J. Huang, Q. Li, and J. Li, 2015, Multisource elastic full waveform inversion method for irregular surface: SEG Global Meeting Abstracts*, 32-35, doi: 10.1190/FWI2015-008.
[41] Qu, Y.*, Z. Li, J. Huang, Q. Li, and J. Li, 2015, Multiple dual-variable grid encoding full time inversion based on an optimized encoding function: SEG Global Meeting Abstracts*, 125-129, doi: 10.1190/FWI2015-031.
[42] Xu, K., S. Chen, J. Liu, D. Jiang, and Y. Qu, 2021, Seismic interpolation based on the random forest method: 82nd EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.202010741.
[43] Xu, K., S. Chen, J. Liu, D. Jiang, and Y. Qu, 2021, A New Q Estimation Method Based on Logarithmic Spectral Simultaneous Inversion: 82nd EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition*, 1-5, doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.202010683.
[44] Mu, X., J. Huang, X. Guo, and Y. Qu, 2019, Least-squares reverse time migration based on pure qP-wave equation in TTI media: SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts*, 4256-4260, doi: 10.1190/segam2019-3203604.1.
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