Yingming Qu

Yingming Qu

Professor of Geophysics

China University of Petroleum

Team Profile

We are a group of Computational Geophysics at China University of Petroleum (East China). We are committed to seismic imaging theory and technology innovation and domestic seismic imaging software development and application research.We hope to solve the world problems faced by seismic imaging of deep earth and deep-sea hidden reservoirs, such as the existence of blind zones in deep earth imaging and the seriousness of multiple solutions in deep-sea multi-component imaging.

  • Dual complex structural forward simulation, velocity inversion, and imaging
  • Viscous and anisotropic medium seismic wave simulation and imaging
  • Seismic imaging in complex land and marine environment
  • Migration methods for low-quality seismic data
  • Multi-component elastic wave imaging
  • Intelligent imaging for geological targets
  • Doctor of Science in Geophysics, 2012.09--2018.06

    China University of Petroleum

  • Visiting Student, 2016.09--2017.06

    Rice University

  • Bachelor of Science in Geophysics, 2008.09--2012.06

    China University of Petroleum



Professional Experience

China University of Petroleum (East China)
Professor, doctoral supervisor
December 2022 – Present Qingdao, China
China University of Petroleum (East China)
Associate Professor, doctoral supervisor
September 2020 – December 2022 Qingdao, China
China University of Petroleum (East China)
Associate Professor, master supervisor
September 2018 – August 2019 Qingdao, China

Academic Adjuncts

Promotion editor
Promotion editor for Journal of Geophysics and Engineering
Associate editor
Associate editor for Journal of Applied Geophysics
Associate editor
Associate editor for Exploration Geophysics
Editorial board
Editorial board for American Journal of Physics and Applications
Editorial board
Editorial board for Applied Geophysics
Associate editor
Associate editor for Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering Journal
Promotion editor
Promotion editor for Petroleum Science
Members of the Society
Chinese Geophysical Society Life Member, EAGE Member and SEG Member.
Peer reviewer
Geophysics, IEEE TGRS, Petroleum Science, Geophysical Journal International, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Engineering Geology, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, AG, SEG, EAGE, Chinese Journal of Geophysics, Oil Geophysical Prospecting and Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum.


科技进步奖二等奖, 《深层地震智能处理与高分辨率反演成像关键技术及工业化应用》
科技进步奖二等奖, 《基于深度学习与信息融合的高精度地震成像关键技术及工业应用》
山东省科技进步奖, 《深部油气储层高精度地震成像技术及工业化应用》
科技进步二等奖, 《低品质数据驱动的高精度地震成像关键技术》
中国地球物理学会优秀博士论文奖, 《可控震源特征噪音压制及混叠数据成像研究》
山东省研究生优秀科技创新成果奖一等奖, 《超深部油气储层的微弱地震信号正演、成像方法及应用技术》
Best Presentation, 《Pre-stack Elastic Wave Reverse Time Migration of Free-surface》

Honorary titles

